Hello Scotty

Meet Scotty, your AI Pet Care assistant.

Enhancing Pet Care Streamlining Responsibilities.

Never leave an animal behind

Whether it's late-night concerns, early morning inquiries, or emergency guidance, our AI ensures that your clients receive immediate, reliable responses, fostering trust and satisfaction.

Tell Your Team About us.

Always On Duty

Our AI bot is designed to handle the influx of routine questions and appointment requests, ensuring your staff can dedicate more time and attention to providing top-notch care and personalized services.

Maintain a Positive Online Engagement

In today’s digital age, pet owners expect swift and accurate responses to their queries. Our AI bot not only answers FAQs but also provides personalized recommendations and can triage cases to prioritize urgent matters.

Engaging 24/7 w/ Customers | Get help educating them

Answer quick question fast to boost your team's value

Pet Care Provider Resources

a small black dog wearing a plastic cone on its head
a small black dog wearing a plastic cone on its head

24/7 Communication and Support

More than an answering machine

In the bustling world of veterinary clinics, pet sitting businesses, and other pet care services, managing an overwhelming number of calls and inquiries can divert your focus from what truly matters—caring for the animals.

brown short coated dog in orange hoodie
brown short coated dog in orange hoodie

Appointment Scheduling

Easily integrates with any booking system

blue and red bird during daytime
blue and red bird during daytime

Foster Conversation and Engagement

Get the pain points of perspective customers

short-coated white and brown puppy
short-coated white and brown puppy
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing

Real-time Answering

Answers and Solve Common issues for you.

Streamline Assessment and Feedback

Educate clients before they book an appointment

Request a Free Version Of Scotty

Free 7 day trial with Scotty, Our Pet care provider assistant